Web 3.0

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The exact meaning of Web 3.0 is still up for grabs, but the interpretation we favour, is the collision of the digital web of the Web 2.0 era, with the physical world. This may seem closer to science fiction, but films from Blade Runner to Minority Report have painted a picture of what it could be like.

While some may joke about Web 3.0, and others play buzzword-bingo with it, in all seriousness it does have a strong academic basis. Like much digital future-gazing, you can never be sure what the next step is, but when we interviewed Joel De Rosnay about the models for computing and the collision of the virtual and physical worlds, he had some pretty clear ideas - Web 3.0 could arrive sooner than you think. Lock down the digital glasses, plug yourself into the grid, read the interview, and then follow the links... Digital Thought Leaders - Professor Joel de Rosnay

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